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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Beyonce - Run the World (Girls) [Music Video Premiere]

Well, who would've thought? With Run The World (Girls) sliding down the chart really quickly, Beyonce has released the video for the track. Hmmm.

The video starts wth a newly blonde Bey riding on a horse to a battlefield (sorta). Then runs in an army of men who try to stop Bey's all-female army, who tries to threaten them back with some silly, but I'll admit, killer dance moves. Their are points in the video where it gets cringeworthy, simply for the fact the video is hardly realistic, and obviously someone will shout some comment about putting her in front of the army to pussy pop in front of her enemies. Eh.

Nevertheless, while it's not groundbreaking, it definitely proves that Jordin really needs to up her game by a lot if she wants to still be mentioned in the same breath as Beyonce for the music video for her latest single I Am Woman.

Props to the director of this video though.

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