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Friday, October 29, 2010
Nicole Scherzinger - Poison [Music Video Premiere]

Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls has been trying for years to make it big as a solo artist but somehow, all her releases were lackluster till we heard Posion, which is on the forefront of the pop/dance explosion in music right now so I'm actually thinking this could be a hit.

The music video just shows Scherzinger walking around, fighting criminals, and dancing with an army of back-up dancers behind her a la Cheryl Cole.

But while I was watching this video, I actually had an idea. What if Scherzinger stripped the track to its core into a heartbreaking ballad, and the video shows Scherzinger slowly being overcome by this "poison" which she so speaks of as she touches this man that she will "never get" because he is the poison that's "on her mind"? I know this might not be making a lot of sense now but the video was so boring I kind of churned out a better idea methinks. Someone call up her label..

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