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Sunday, April 17, 2011
Re-Introducing: Blue

Sometime ago when I heard news of Blue reforming and getting back together to represent the UK at the Eurovision contest. I was excited. But I didn't want to get my hopes too high up. But it doesn't matter now because the release of I Can marks the return of one of my favourite boybands. Basically, the gist of it all is that after scoring multiple hits in the UK, the popularity of Blue started to decline and the group split, with every member embarking on a solo career. All of them ranged from mildly impressive to meh, and thank god for that because I definitely prefer them back together.

You can check out a little backstage video of Blue recording their comeback single I Can below.

Below are two separate videos that were shot for I Can:

Then you check out some live performances of I Can:

Blue come in at about a minute into the video.

Lee Ryan's voice. Good god bless that voice.


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